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Monday, April 13, 2009

Winged Migration

Entertainment Weekly, 11/21/2003, p.69, "...Perrin creates images so crisp they seem almost too perfect to be real..."
Total Film, 04/01/2004, p.122, "It's a trip full of adventure and breathtaking beauty..."
New York Times, 04/18/2003, p.E14, "The breathtaking cinematography of migrating birds in Jacques Perrin's mystical documentary WINGED MIGRATION transports you to an exalted realm where nature operates under its own inviolable laws..."
Los Angeles Times, 05/02/2003, p.C10, "...MIGRATION is best understood as a kind of travelogue, taking us into worlds we have not seen and places we can't get to on our own..."
USA Today, 04/18/2003, p.13D, "...One of the most beautiful films to come out this year or any other....It is an exquisite plea for ecological rationality. Audiences are left with awe for the filmmaking crew and for the wonders of nature..."
Rolling Stone, 05/01/2003, p.64, "...Perrin gets so close to the intimate beauty of flight, you feel privileged....A movie miracle; it soars..."
Chicago Sun-Times, 05/02/2003, p.31, "...Awesome to regard....It wants us to look, simply look, at birds -- and that goal it achieves magnificently..."
Sight and Sound, 07/01/2003, p.60, "...Remarkable....WINGED MIGRATION's strengths come from its acute and unsentimental observation of these most symbolic of creatures..."

Jacques Perrin (MICROCOSMOS) presents this dramatically beautiful documentary about bird migratory patterns, featuring breathtaking photography and hypnotic music. The film covers seven continents during four seasons, highlighting species both unique and common. From puffins in Iceland, whooper swans in Japan, bald eagles in Arizona, flamingos in Kenya, albatross in New Zealand, macaw in Peru, geese in Nepal, and plenty of cranes and storks in the director's native France, WINGED MIGRATION is literally a tour of the world from a bird's eye view. Filmed over the course of three year's time, the production for the movie was extensive to say the least. Using a crew of over 450 people broken up into five teams, new photographic techniques were invented specifically for the purpose of filming flocks of birds in flight. Balloon, helicopter, helicopter model, remote controlled glider, traditional glider, delta plane, and ultra-light motorized aircraft are the flying devices used to achieve the film's incredible camera angles. In fact, because birds were trained to be unafraid of the delta plane, photographers were able to fly alongside flocks, sometimes filming birds as they gazed into the camera's lens while also keeping in focus the dramatic landscape unfolding below. WINGED MIGRATION takes viewers on a unique journey soaring over the Earth as few films have ever done before.

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