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Monday, April 13, 2009

American History X

Rolling Stone, 11/12/1998, p.121-2, "AMERICAN HISTORY X is an explosive, scorched-earth drama in which Edward Norton gives a blistering, brilliant performance..."
New York Times, 10/28/1998, p.E1, "...AMERICAN HISTORY X has enough fiery acting and provocative bombast to make its impact felt....It has been directed with a mixture of handsome photo-realism and visceral punch..."
Total Film, 10/01/1999, p.98, "...An intense achievement....An excellent cast, the young leads stand out, including a best-yet performance from Furlong..." -- 4 out of 5 stars
Sight and Sound, 05/1999, p.36-7, "...Edward Norton's Oscar-nominated performance is the film's magnetic centre..."
Entertainment Weekly, 11/06/1998, pp.51-2, "...Norton breaks loose....A triumph of acting....[Kaye] works with flair and verve and control..." -- Rating: B+
Box Office, 12/01/1998, p.44, "...Genuinely provocative....There's scarcely a false not to the performance of either Furlong or Norton, the latter an almost certain Academy Award nominee..."

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