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Saturday, April 11, 2009

How do you like to see a performer deal with a heckler?

The most famous of all the comedian/heckler incidents was Michael Richards' career-ending encounter with some African-American gentlemen a couple years back. Although TV's Kramer said some things that were completely beyond the pale in polite society, comedy isn't polite society, and perhaps his biggest mistake was coming off as a no-talent out-of-control hack as he hurled his invectives.

An audience is willing to grant a skilled comedian a lot of leeway when dealing with a heckler, because they paid to see the show and resent interruptions. Given this, what is the best way for the comic to use his free pass to dole out harsh justice?

Check out the various ways to effectively handle a heckler after the jump. (Most of the clips contain incredulous profanity, and the Carlin clip really isn't safe for anywhere.)

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