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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Doubt (DVD)

Chicago Sun-Times, 12/05/2008, "[Davis] has one significant scene, but it is long, crucial and heartbreaking. Davis goes face to face with Streep with astonishing conviction..."
New York Times, 12/12/2008, "Ms. Streep blows in like a storm, shaking up the story's reverential solemnity with gusts of energy and comedy."
Total Film, 02/01/2009, 4 stars out of 5 -- "Streep and Hoffman are superbly matched, while Adams brings a touching sincerity to her wide-eyed innocent. As fine as they are, however, it's Viola Davis who shines brightest..."
Rolling Stone, 01/08/2008, p.116, Ranked #8 in Rolling Stone's 'Movies Of The Year' -- "[A] stinging film..."
Box Office, 12/22/2008, 4 stars out of 5 -- "[F]uelled equally by anger and compassion, writer-director John Patrick Shanley's DOUBT is a terrific and troubling drama of ideas bristling with nuance and grief."
Rolling Stone, 12/11/2008, p.102, 3.5 stars out of 4 -- "Hoffman nails every nuance in a complex role. And Streep is unmissable and unforgettable....There's no doubt about this mind-bender. It'll pin you to your seat."
Variety, 11/07/2008, "The tension between unbending principle and the call for compassion and human understanding could scarcely be more pointedly evoked than it is here, and Davis' performance is devastatingly great..."
Empire, 03/01/2009, 3 stars out of 5 -- "[Streep] slips something human between the gusts of piercing anger: wry grace notes written into her pursed lips and arching brow."
Los Angeles Times, 12/12/2008, "On the stage as well as on the screen, DOUBT is a highly polished piece of business, with every speech and every action calculated for maximum effect..."
USA Today, 12/12/2008, 3.5 stars out of 4 -- "Streep delivers a bravura performance....Philip Seymour Hoffman is ever bit her equal in his spectacular portrayal....DOUBT compels viewers to examine their own assumptions as they become caught up in this fascinating tale."

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